Welcome! :))

Finally, high school is over after 3 years! and now before going to Otago University, I have decided to take a one year break and go to Finland ( and other European countries). I would like to share my experience with you =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tallinn, Estonia/30 Seconds To Mars Trip!

Hey everybody, once again I left this blog empty for so long I don’t even remember having it at all.
Well let me tell you what have been happening so far from last time.. well basically I have been partying a lot. I mean A LOT. Everytime I get home either I am super tired and go to sleep or just plain lazy cause I am sleepy. ;D
Nothing special happened until I went to Tallinna, Estonia for 30 Seconds to Mars concert with my beloved best friend Liina Lehtinen.

The day started with waking up at 5am in the morning.. Only had 2 or 1 hour of sleep since my cat Kiri was crying the whole night.. zzzzzzzz.
We went to Kamppi to make some sushi because I didn’t want to pay a penny for lunch on the boat,  I am so broke (like all the time, where have all my money gone too? Alcohol.)
So our boat was Linda line, the fastest boat to get to Tallinn, but the boat was rocking hard so it wasn’t a good idea to stay up the whole 90mins journey so we went sleeping after playing “Stress” – card game. Clearly I won.

Anyways, as soon we landed on Estonian soil we were accompanied by Dutch man asking for directions and about Estonia. He was.. open haha, he even told us we can just go there and buy weed from anywhere, even from the cops. Thanks for the information =D
We were separated from him when he asked the direction from this super hot Polish woman – blonde eyes, blue eyes, skinny. Etc etc.  He didn’t even notice us leaving him J
Hours of walking around the central desperate to find our apartment was tiring..
We bought some alcohol and got a bit tipsy before going into the concert, also did window shopping.
We went to the old town! Ah how much I love Tallinn’s old town!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so beautiful and this time it was summer so I can actually see the ground and buildings and not getting freeze. Everybody in the whole world should go to Tallinn’s old town if they ever go to Estonia. MUST.  Or any European country ofc, but next time I wanna go to Sweden.. Anyone wanna go?

We got lost finding our way so we asked Lithuanian tourist to give us directions, how nice =)
So the concert was great! There were 3 bands playing before 30 Seconds to Mars so that made me sleepy the whole time and my ass hurt like hell. Bloody concrete =/  
Jared was great, good show! He was rather funny and I knew like half of those songs they played – The Kill, Yesterday, Kings and Queen and Closer to the Edge.  

Walking back to the apartment was rather difficult because our asses were stuck on the concrete for 4 hours! (We also stood up because Jared told us to :D)
We were supposed to go out to a club.. but we failed to do so, too tired so off to bed straight away. AFTER Liina crying about a bug in the bathroom. Zzzzzz

Overall the trip was great as expected! Would definitely go back to Estonia again! So cheap over there, even the movie is only 4Euros!!

Liina Lehtinen

myself :)

whole lot of sushi~

When I'm 24 years old :D
