Welcome! :))

Finally, high school is over after 3 years! and now before going to Otago University, I have decided to take a one year break and go to Finland ( and other European countries). I would like to share my experience with you =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tallinn, Estonia/30 Seconds To Mars Trip!

Hey everybody, once again I left this blog empty for so long I don’t even remember having it at all.
Well let me tell you what have been happening so far from last time.. well basically I have been partying a lot. I mean A LOT. Everytime I get home either I am super tired and go to sleep or just plain lazy cause I am sleepy. ;D
Nothing special happened until I went to Tallinna, Estonia for 30 Seconds to Mars concert with my beloved best friend Liina Lehtinen.

The day started with waking up at 5am in the morning.. Only had 2 or 1 hour of sleep since my cat Kiri was crying the whole night.. zzzzzzzz.
We went to Kamppi to make some sushi because I didn’t want to pay a penny for lunch on the boat,  I am so broke (like all the time, where have all my money gone too? Alcohol.)
So our boat was Linda line, the fastest boat to get to Tallinn, but the boat was rocking hard so it wasn’t a good idea to stay up the whole 90mins journey so we went sleeping after playing “Stress” – card game. Clearly I won.

Anyways, as soon we landed on Estonian soil we were accompanied by Dutch man asking for directions and about Estonia. He was.. open haha, he even told us we can just go there and buy weed from anywhere, even from the cops. Thanks for the information =D
We were separated from him when he asked the direction from this super hot Polish woman – blonde eyes, blue eyes, skinny. Etc etc.  He didn’t even notice us leaving him J
Hours of walking around the central desperate to find our apartment was tiring..
We bought some alcohol and got a bit tipsy before going into the concert, also did window shopping.
We went to the old town! Ah how much I love Tallinn’s old town!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so beautiful and this time it was summer so I can actually see the ground and buildings and not getting freeze. Everybody in the whole world should go to Tallinn’s old town if they ever go to Estonia. MUST.  Or any European country ofc, but next time I wanna go to Sweden.. Anyone wanna go?

We got lost finding our way so we asked Lithuanian tourist to give us directions, how nice =)
So the concert was great! There were 3 bands playing before 30 Seconds to Mars so that made me sleepy the whole time and my ass hurt like hell. Bloody concrete =/  
Jared was great, good show! He was rather funny and I knew like half of those songs they played – The Kill, Yesterday, Kings and Queen and Closer to the Edge.  

Walking back to the apartment was rather difficult because our asses were stuck on the concrete for 4 hours! (We also stood up because Jared told us to :D)
We were supposed to go out to a club.. but we failed to do so, too tired so off to bed straight away. AFTER Liina crying about a bug in the bathroom. Zzzzzz

Overall the trip was great as expected! Would definitely go back to Estonia again! So cheap over there, even the movie is only 4Euros!!

Liina Lehtinen

myself :)

whole lot of sushi~

When I'm 24 years old :D


Friday, May 27, 2011

On these Sunny days.

HeyHey Again, please don't be sick of reading my blog already xD

On Sunday, I woken up at 5AM in the morning! **Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwnnnn**
I was at work since 6am making sushi for this Japanese event called "Hanami" which is a Japanese event where Japanese people have picnic under cherry blossom trees :) although there wasn't any it was good!
At least Mariela got sunburned and I didn't. HAHA >DD
Oh well, we were drinking Lonkero's and judging other people's costume and running away from certain people, good times :p

Marco and his student demonstrating Japanese martial art skills :)

On Tuesday, Elina asked me to go to seurasaari island somewhere in Helsinki.. to feed the squirrels! well when we got there, we saw ONE squirrel fed by some man. We looked for AGES! and there were only birds.. but we saw one when we were walking back! woooh finally, I was very satisfied then! I didn't wanted to go home without feeding one! I think they will become fat and have fat babies.. Nice (Y)
How Cute~

Good stuff!
going to a birthday party tomorrow and get little drunk!
Then on Saturday will go to Linnanmäki! I will definitely have fun there riding all those rides!
Gonna become a 12 year old kid for one day! :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ice Hockey World Championship!


This month has been fantastic! and actually became a fan of ice hockey since I saw Finland playing it! I don't know if you heard about Ice Hockey (for non-European people) Finland just won the World Ice Hockey Championship on Sunday against rival Sweden! and we (since I live in Finland I can say"we") won by 1-6 to Finland! Such amazing game, the first round was nothing special, second round Sweden made a goal just after 6mins, " as we expected" since Sweden has very strong ice hockey team, we managed to get one shot in just 7seconds before the end of second round.
Lastly, the third round was just magnificent we scored one and another one in less than 2mins, Then just kept going and going! 

Feeling sorry for the Swedish goaltender, he looked really angry :(
The video shows all the goal made against Sweden and Finland in the whole match! I just keep watching it over and over again =D

This the top-5 Finnish goals! Especially loving the second and first! Mikael Granlund 64 is super good and he's only 18 years old :O
Of course people are crazy here when they won the WC 2011! because they won the world cup again after 16 years later! So most of the people were happily crying! Proud of their Finnish ice hockey team!!
Since they won after 16 years, of course they want to celebrate it with EVERYONE in Helsinki with the Ice Hockey Players cruising on the bus with their gold medals and their championship cup! Finnish people celebrate with alcohol and just signing national anthem all night long! and little bit (heaps) of dissing Swedish ice hockey team because they were sure Sweden's gonna win easily against Finland.

Poor ice cream van, completely over took by drunken Finnish people :D, They didn't move until the driver moved a little bit. They all dropped they nut in 2seconds =]
Double Rainbow! but hardly can see it =]
Yummy Taco Bread huh
Liina and half drunken Sam. (Like my face paint?! by Liina)
Drunken friends. (Saana&Liina)
Some random parachuting with Finnish flag. xD
Ice Hockey Players on the bus in Helsinki, only picture because of fkn wave of people crushing on me! He's THE MAN (Y) Air kiss from the bus wooo! :D Actually looked at my way for sure!
Gaaaah,, Sooo maaany peeeeople! It says over 70,000 attended this event! and it was on Monday :)
Ill post up something if anything exciting happens again! :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vappu - May Day!

Wazz' up!
Friday I was working normally!
and after work I came home and made some pasta with pepper and salt on top.. couldn't make macaroni cheese because there were no cheese! Sigghhhhh, oh well still had some left overs from yesterday yumm =]]

After while, I decided to go to Helsinki and meet up with Liina to go to Sello, Espoo. When I left in RUSH I missed my bus at the first bus stop. Thinking * Nah next bus will come soon enough at the next bus stop* So when I was almost there I missed the bus AGAIN. * Okay Okay, I can wait for another 10mins for the bus* and after 9mins, *OH SHIT I forgot my sushi at home*
mmmmm, the worst memory ever, =DD

And another great thing happened, I fkn forgot my phone in Antilla at Sello! Over xbox360... hahahaha after 40mins i realised when we were just about to get on the bus! idiot me, lucky they found it, although there were some complications we had to go up and down because they keep transferring my phone between Spice Ice and Antilla. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
WORST MEMORY EVER. or maybe only happens when I am with or gonna be with Liina.. ;)
This time I met 3 more cool people at Mariela's, Eev, Viola and Veera, Cheers for another awsome party Mariela =]

The following day was VAPPU DAY! which is translated to May Day, although it was 30th, Finnish people celebrate it on the 30th and 1st May :)
it's for University or High School student graduate they were white cap to show they are graduated or got graduated sometime in their lives, even some 40 or 50 year olds wearing those! EDIT: can be 90 year olds too.
Basically Vappu in Finland is an excuse to get really wasted off their face, so everyone was very happy and lively there! Whoever you talk too,, they are so wasted and I made some cool friends there too, and not too cool friends haha.
I met other few people I knew and their friends, how nice the day was.. Super cold and windy.
Ended up just me, Elina and Mariela drinking champagne, at Kaisaniemi park hahaha losers :p

and Finally got home at 2AM, its been looong weekend for me, 2 nights in a row drinking and getting wasted, but still manageable I don't know if I can do that in long run though =3 

mmmmm.. Lonkero.. sooo gooood! but me and Liina bought 8 cans for among ourselves and Fresita! and I think it wasn't enough for me ;)
Yeah I bought that Hello Kitty for Liina for sure. (Y) Aye Liina??  Cause she kept crying and nagging to me for it I had to buy it to shut her up ;D

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Vappu Day! Hyvaa Vappua guys! :D Look at those students with their white captain cap =)
There are still Rosalies wondering around ;D

Sorri I don't have very good pictures of Vappu cause I didn't wanna drop my camera on the ground :( and Sorry to Mariela for dropping her own phone when I rang her. Such bad luck!
If you wanna see more about Vappu pictures then please refer to Elisa's blog! cause her blog is cool! and She was the one who inspired me to start the blog! http://vanillaxice.blogspot.com/, maybe even be her followers! 

I am starting to bike tomorrow! So I will see you guys sometimes soon eh?
Thank you everyone for letting my weekend to be fun and most experience one :D

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Little bit of Walking never hurts, but running does!

Hey! I was too lazy to post yesterday after 2 posts so i post here what I was doing yesterday :D

well basically normal typical routine after 2.30pm (working) I decided to walk around Helsinki since I have not yet done that since my arrival. Well i have but not so much =]
It was too sunny, nice and warm weather who wouldn't wanna walk through the 'real' part of Helsinki? HELL YEA?!@# (Still got lost countless times :D)

Is this Lutheran church...? I have no idea it didn't say and beside Finland is 90% Lutherans so YES have to be.. :D
Just beside the coast line part :), I cannot resist to take that picture of cool houses and walking though those areas did give me the real' European feeling, as how the building were structured and the walking pavement, =p 
Is this the tower of 'Never Ending Fire' I think someone has told me about it, I don't remember.  Well there's fire at the top someone care to explain? :D
Skate park for skaters! Not so impressive as the one in ChristChurch.. but I guess they love it? =]
There are little Islands all around Finland surrounded by lakes and ocean, its awsome and its best to reach there by boat DUH, well you could swim if you want. ;D
Ahhhh that was too beautiful, plus there is the ferry cruise ship :D Spring is here for sure and in summer i bet its more beautiful than ever!! Gah Marry me Finland :)
Anyone keen for picnic? :)
I tried to get on the tram to go back to Kamppi again and I caught the wrong one and ended up in.. Heitaniemi? Tram sure is the most confusing out of all transport.. but I'll try get used to it :D
mmmmmm... sexy isn't it? I don't know the meaning of this, again please someone explain =]]

So that was my day yesterday. boring pictures but hey I ain't no photographer!! hehe
Btw, I ran today trying to be healthy again and sure I failed at where I was running.. I got lost and was way off the course luckily I found the main road so running for 1.5 hours first time in 3 months is the worst, expect me to crippled walk tomorrow :D

Laters Mayn!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annoeyong Party and After Party.

Hello all!
So one of the longest weekend has begun and finished after I write this hahaha, seriously I was sooooo busy this weekend, mainly drinking and being feel SOOO sick. well tummy ache, no vomiting I am a man now, ;)

Saturday- I was supposed to be working today, but my sister got sick with fever so the restaurant is closed for today :), anyways I went to this k-pop party called "Annoeyong Party" in Helsinki at Gloria, I have to say its getting better, well better than last time I was there, more people more performances and now I can actually go upstairs and drink few longkelos, okay not few but decent amount of lonkelos, thanks for the shout Liina (Y)
Everyone is well, love to dance in this place and its not like a typical clubbing area where men goes behind girls and do crazy things, it actually a place where a girl can do dance freely :p and this type of party, its 75% girls. So if your asian, true asian, you might get those looks =)

I also made some friends through Liina and Eeva, its nice to make new friends, :)
The half of the songs they played were too new for me so i didn't understand so much but other half I understood from last year! and got to know some cool songs too!
party well ended by the different DJ who tried to mix Asian music and Western music together.. so failed. 


Sunday was the best day to sleep until 12 O'clock :D, I didn't do ANYTHING except for being worried that every store was closed, Thanks Liina. :)
We went to S-market.. no K-market.. ok i can't tell the difference so let's say we went to A market. bought some more Lonkelo, it seems like these are my favorite drinks :p 
I didn't get the grapefruit.. but instead I got the pear version of it, its tasted pretty good actually!
I bought six packs.. although I only drank 5 cause I gave one to Eeva.. how STUPID I was. :D, She owes me.
Anywho, I was invited to Mariela after party (whom i met at Annoeyong party) I have to say, her house was rather.. the best looking one. 

there were.. ( and I am trying my best to remember everyone from the party) Mariela, Elina, Eeva, Liina, Oona, Nita, Emma, Vili.......... and the rest I don't know remember their names! good party! I got so wasted, I did not remember half of the things happened, and apparently heaps of things happened! I wish I remember.. zzzz, 

It supposed to be a group photo but my phone got retarded and didn't take the whole picture.. so  you can see Eeva and Liina there :p
Elina and Mariela :pThe host and her friend, they just love to dance, dance dance dance and more dance. They also taught me some dancing moves from Super Luv - TeenTop, I was so bad. Well alcohol was the factor for sure!!!!! They were so good. so jealous :)btw, Thanks for wine and rum Mariela, but next time don't over do it ;D

This party, or my own personal party was ended by me singing the barbie that was playing.. so goood. no wonder my throat hurt the next morning! sigh. =p

P.s got slapped billion times although I don't remember half of the time.. Liina once again bad old habit.

Tummy ache the whole day, still didn't vomited, unlike someone....
Did nothing but went home, shower, ate a duck and off to bed for 2 hours.. still had purple bag under my eyes! yuck. 

Anyways this was my long weekend story. it was good :D

EDIT 2: LONKERO!! Leave me alooooone =/

Happy Easter!

this is super delayed but Happy Easter to everyone!
Good Friday, I didn't have work so I went to my sister friend's place to celebrate it! (Judy's Family)

Gottah say I love when I spilled pepper all over my food after one can of longkelo.. sooo bad! and I still ate the food although it was all covered with pepper! great spice.. never again  :D

Well everyone was having a great time I guess. well except for the men we don't usually talk so Judy's Husband decides to play "RockBand 3" Hahahaha it was the best ever!
They even ask me to do the singing party.. luckily they did not find the microphone.. so glad. It would be waaaay too awful!

<--- See all of them have those concentrated eyes! It really gets to you.. and i was playing the drums and the guitar! it sure was great.. i was really good with the guitar.. but the drums. not so much.
I can't multi task, i can't move my foot and hit 2 things at once. No never :)