Welcome! :))

Finally, high school is over after 3 years! and now before going to Otago University, I have decided to take a one year break and go to Finland ( and other European countries). I would like to share my experience with you =)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Finnish way of "Prom"

Moi, Last night or actually two nights ago I attended my best friend's "prom" or she call it a "Dances of the Old" The school's name is Ressu,
and all I can say is just WOW! 
So much different than New Zealand way of prom..
Here in Finland, its so much organized and girls dresses like an actual princesses. Long and big! very nice, it's very hard to keep your eyes focused on one person because they are all pretty in their way =D

This video shows how traditional the "prom" in Finland. Students learn to perform and get taught by their dance teacher. very cool! Sorry about the video quality, I shrank the size to small so it uploads faster as I am veeery tired tonight. ;D

This video is more like having fun with the recent music :D
Very entertaining! I really wish New Zealand should have looked like this! so much better, so much fun :)).

Lastly, picture of I and Janica. Pew Pew. That dress was smoking hot ;))
There's no word to describe, she just looks amazingly beautiful (Y)
We definitely need to breed some Finnish people in New Zealand! will make all the guys go "Wooh" 


Over and Out!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to you all! <3

Did anyone have a great Valentines Day?
I know I did =D

Well, normal work day.. just start from 10Am until 1pm in the afternoon. brrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh today was           -23C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Around 1.40pm I caught the train to Malmi Mall(?) no idea, it just had some supermarket, Prisma. it's huge.

Anyways I saw Oona there, brought her some lunch and chatted while she was working at the most boring place hahaha. only old people plays slot machines.. well also teenagers but you have to be 15 to be able to play. in NZ its 18 all the time, I think :D once I won 20 NZ dollars. yay?

Afterwards, I met with Janica, we went ice skating! first time in 2 years or something.. and it cost me 8 Euros.. which is around 15 NZ dollars. quite the same? 
Oh btw, this was OUTDOOR, in Finland, you can almost ice skate anywhere.. and people have their own ice skate. Unless you're a tourist. Ice skating is a normal thing for Finnish people, no wonder they are good. even the kids. sigh, make me look super bad. :D
I fell twice! ( doesn't count when people don't see me fell, so actually I fell around 5 times ;) ) We had hot chocolate with croissant. Nomnomnom! 

6.20Pm, I met with Liina, my another best friend from last time I was in Finland. she gave me muffin and a card! how lovely, thank you so much :))
We went to see the movie called "No Strings Attached", this movie was actually really good. The whole movie was pretty funny =D.
Ashton Kucher is an amazing actor. (Y)

I am now home at 11.05PM posting this blog.. and I am veeery tired. been a really busy day for me. I have work tomorrow, after work more work at home! :O
Hope everyone had a nice valentines day with their special ones!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Double-Whammy or Triple

Oh my life! Internet has been down at my house, but I just realised there is some free wifi on my network.. very useful! reminds me of Nick used to use free wifi at his house. LOL.

Anyways, on Friday I went nightclubbing with Oona, cause shes 20 she could get into almost any clubs, but for me I am 19 and.. mmmm not so many =D
So went to the club called "Butterfly", nice club, almost reminds me of Kayodes, but just bunch of Finnish people, I mean the size. Half of the song, I didn't know but it was good!
I think I remembered that there was a  fat guy dancing on us cause he didn't get lucky enough with the girls. hahah. good times. (Y)
Got home at like 3.40AM ish.. Whata night.
Oh, I drank some can of soda called.. I don't remember. it was grapefruit flavor, 7,5%. reminded me of Diesels cause the taste was sooooo bad at the start, but nicest thing in the world after 2 or 3  cans haha.

Biggest sleep.. and hot shower. just the best!
woke up at 4pm! and I had to get ready for another party.. well 2 parties! actually one is event and another is a  Birthday party of Janica's best friend Liinea :))
So I got to the event or the "Asian Party" the que was HUGE!!!!!! So really too bad I could not get it in. Would of been really cool and I would of met lots and lots of people since there were 500 people going there! geez.. Had stand in the cold for ages. it was -10C!
Anyways, I caught the bus 67 to go to Liinea's birthday party, I had to ask the bus driver to let me off at the last bus stop. Nice Black Man (Y)
The birthday was very cool! maybe there were around 20 people, guys and girls, Finnish people!
Finnish people.. they are SUPER SOCIAL when they are intoxicated, they just come talk to you like you know the person already. maybe more social than Kiwis. So, I made heaps of friends there, actually almost everyone, they just came and chat. What nice Finns (Y) even the girls have the balls to chat! hahaha. Very impressed!
I got drunk again this night, I drank "last pineapple" 15%.. mhmm drank so fast because it was way too sweet. 

got home at 2Am.. straight to bed!
and luckily I don't have any bad headaches, just my stomach is rumbling cause I am hungry..

Now today I am going to a ex-worker's girl's birthday party! she's turning 1 year old! cute, but this time I should not drink at all.. cause I have work tomorrow. hahaha. just eat lots and lots of food! wooh!

This weekend has been super busy.. You gottah live the weekends aye? ;))


Monday, February 7, 2011

Update please.

Hey, I haven't updated my blog in a week because I have been suuuper busy that I had no time for blog! I come home from town like almost 11pm every night and I just go straight to my bed without doing anything ( or showe ). Morning shower is the best (Y)

Well lets get together, what I have been doing this whole week from Tuesday!

Tuesday - I didn't work on that day, I don't know why.. I think I was still jetlagged that day. I was with Janica just hanging out, casual things :D

Wednesday - Oh Yay, Work work work! Geez, I forgot most of things to do in work, hoping to remember anytime soon! Chinese Festival, wooh! super boring :D, but the fireworks were magnificent. I wish someone special was seeing that ;)).  I was with Liina and Matsku. Gah, Matsku was hitting me with a poster the whole night, no wonder I was grumpy the following day =p. I also went to Kiasma! Oh Thank You Liina for paying me =]] You made my day for suure (Y).
One more thing, I saw Laura and Monica! wow, such coincidence.. how did they recognize me at all?!?!?!?@!?#!#$

Thursday - work again, but this time I saw Oona and Janica (Not at the same time, how awkward would that be) :)). Thought of seeing these people meet makes me laugh out loud :p
I met with Janica's friend, He was very cool. I wish I was him :D

Friday - Oona and Nea invited me to their house ( or actually Nea's house since Oona has her own flat ). Such surprise, I only met them like how many times? 3? hahah. I am so welcomed here in Finland :D
anyways, I saw their youngest sister Pinja and I met her "boyfriend" who just flew all the way from Japan just to meet her for one week. That made me WOW for sure.
We played some board game, I never lost. I almost lost on the second one but nah, I very competitive! we played twister, omg that game is get so tiring and sore after 30mins of playing.. and get all sweaty..
Of course, I win ;))
My night was closed with meeting up with Janica since she lived two blocks away!

Saturday - Great, off work on the weekends! and Saturday was well planned day! I went to Jumbo shopping mall, it was big! Lots of shops, and I had coffee there with Janica. Too bad she couldn't find her shoes for her "dances of the old" performance.
We were planning to go ice skating, but the weather was so shit lame, we didn't go. instead we went to Janica's house and had some French Fries and  beef! yum yum!

We saw the movie called "Love & other drugs", lots and lots of sex. great. 

Sunday - Sunday, nothing so much to do. So I met with Oona and went to the movies for while, we saw "The Tourist" since there were no good movies at all!
The movie it self was very, average. So predictable, not so much action in it. Its one of those movie when they just have good actors doing lame movies.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Angelina Jolie still super sexy!
We decided to go see Oona's flat ( actually I decided ). Well, i got super sick on the train what the hell?
Oona's flatmate was very cool. Loved that guy! super cool, super big =o
anyways, the whole night we watched movies and ate Kebab Pizzas! very yum!

Monday - Gah! Monday already? Work, and I start early today like 10AM! Dayum! I was sleeping and mopping the floor! but I still cleaned well :D
basically nothing so much to do, so txt Oona to come and we looked through some fragrance, its embarrassing, when girl buys things for you. ( I forgot money at home ).
We ate sushi and phew, whata busy week I had since I got here in Finland, Just been seeing friends everyday.

and tomorrow.. seeing friends again. just keeps coming and coming!
Soon I am going to be crazeeeey!

Have a good week guys! 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finnish food, Finnish drink

Last night, my sister Miyuki and I went to a cafe called Fazer Cafe literally means "Chocolate Cafe"
The place was nice, my sister recommended me to try Fazer Tee (chocolate tea) and I wanted to try cinnamon bun, another Finnish food.
The tea smelled just like Fazer chocolate, but the taste.. well taste like almost same as normal tea. haha.
The bun is fantastically delicious! everyone should try some if you ever come to Finland =D

On the same day, I met Janica and Oona. Oh I haven't meet her in almost a year! So glad to see her, still same cute Finnish girl from last time ;)


Uploading new pictures.

 Hey, I promised to upload some pictures since I have my camera cable now. :))
Well this picture just when I was about to land in London, (Click on the photo to enlarge it) as you can see they have nice houses!
This one on the left is when I departed London as you can see London is completely covered with clouds! No wonder they have the reputation of being "rainy, cold and windy
This picture is the Baltic Sea in Scandinavia area. The sea is covered with ice and I missed the opportunity to take the picture of a ship going through those icy paths (first I thought it was a polar bear). 
The picture on left is when I was flying over Turku they city well known to be Sea City because of nice sea and lots of fishes. I think. =D
You can see it is covered with lots of trees and those patches are mostly lakes that is frozen and covered with snow. It would look amazingly nice in summer i bet! :)
This is where Elisa lives, cute ;D


How to reset biological clock?

Lately, I have been sleeping only for 6-7 hours and I get very sleepy at around 8pm.
My biological clock has been disturbed, and it feels sick not to sleep well.
I think in my head I lost track of time and getting used to it but if there's a way that I can make it faster..
Should of asked my Biology teacher for more. :D