Welcome! :))

Finally, high school is over after 3 years! and now before going to Otago University, I have decided to take a one year break and go to Finland ( and other European countries). I would like to share my experience with you =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to you all! <3

Did anyone have a great Valentines Day?
I know I did =D

Well, normal work day.. just start from 10Am until 1pm in the afternoon. brrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh today was           -23C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Around 1.40pm I caught the train to Malmi Mall(?) no idea, it just had some supermarket, Prisma. it's huge.

Anyways I saw Oona there, brought her some lunch and chatted while she was working at the most boring place hahaha. only old people plays slot machines.. well also teenagers but you have to be 15 to be able to play. in NZ its 18 all the time, I think :D once I won 20 NZ dollars. yay?

Afterwards, I met with Janica, we went ice skating! first time in 2 years or something.. and it cost me 8 Euros.. which is around 15 NZ dollars. quite the same? 
Oh btw, this was OUTDOOR, in Finland, you can almost ice skate anywhere.. and people have their own ice skate. Unless you're a tourist. Ice skating is a normal thing for Finnish people, no wonder they are good. even the kids. sigh, make me look super bad. :D
I fell twice! ( doesn't count when people don't see me fell, so actually I fell around 5 times ;) ) We had hot chocolate with croissant. Nomnomnom! 

6.20Pm, I met with Liina, my another best friend from last time I was in Finland. she gave me muffin and a card! how lovely, thank you so much :))
We went to see the movie called "No Strings Attached", this movie was actually really good. The whole movie was pretty funny =D.
Ashton Kucher is an amazing actor. (Y)

I am now home at 11.05PM posting this blog.. and I am veeery tired. been a really busy day for me. I have work tomorrow, after work more work at home! :O
Hope everyone had a nice valentines day with their special ones!



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